2010 was SUPPOSED to be the year for relaxing and NO PARTY.  Of course, I never learn from my mistakes, so sort of last minute, I decided to throw the darn party anyway!  I had a bit more help this year, thanks to Tom, who is always willing to offer a hand when I need it.  I'm glad I did.  We had fun!  The evening started off a bit rocky, but once the food was all done and I had a nice drink in hand, we were able to kick back and relax.  It was a somewhat small crowd, but larger than the year before and definitely a fun group.  As usual, lots of people begged for invites, and didn't show up (or even bother to call).  No worries, we still had a good time.  Considering a party next year, but with children allowed.  It's not set in stone though, so we'll see...  On to the pics!

Deanna and Tom

Shelly and Dave

Tran and Babs (my sister)

Joe and Rosie (my sister)


Emily (my youngest child)

Stacey and her friend whose name I can't remember to save my life!

Calin, Samantha, Stephanie, Zach and Tony (whose costume was the BEST ONE of the night)

Dave and our neighbor Lydia

Our neighbors Gary and Sue

Ivy's friend Taryn




What would a party be without Narcoleptic Dave on the couch?




Taryn's lucky she didn't have much to drink... she was sleeping too lightly to do any "artwork on her"...


A "feelin'-damned-good" Deanna... and a "deer-caught-in-the-headlights" Rosie



Ivy and Taryn brought Smirnoff Ice Apple with them for a little game of "iced".  We got a few pics of the people that were the victims of this "icing" incident.  (They hide the bottle unbebnownst to the victim, then the victim finds the bottle and has to chug the tasty beverage - technically on one knee, but I think I was the only one who actually did it right.)


I have no words for what went on with Chucky...



I had to prove the kitty crap was tasty and edible.


The Three Sisters  :)


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