Halloween 2018
I took a few pics of the yard the first night most of it was set up. We have a streetlight that glares into my front yard. :-(

Chaplin was supervising.

I decided it was time to make new columns for the cemetery fence entry since the first set I made finally fell apart from being stored unprotected outside for a year. My daughter Taylor assisted for about 2 minutes. A blood sacrifice from my own hand was given also, for a good Halloween season.

I also built the base for a bar out of pallets for the party, and stained it a nice dark color.

The actual physical invitations were time-consuming (aren't they always?) and unfortunately I didn't get to hand out many of them. I made quills... out of fake feathers and ball-point pen innards. Link can eventually be found on the Invitations section in the navigation bar to the left.

I also decided I needed some letters to hang on the wall above the bar, so I made them out of foam, and painted a base light gray. Then I painted them with GITD spray paint since they'll be in a blacklight-lit room

On 10/30, I took a meathead to work for our little Halloween party there. My boss opened the refrigerator and literally screamed when she saw it. We could hear her all the way in the warehouse. She knows how much I love Halloween.

Below are photos from Halloween night. We had the party the weekend AFTER Halloween.

I actually had time to get into custume for ToTing.

These folks come by every year, and each time they have a new ride for their kids. I had to get a shot this time, they had music playing and everything. I absolutely LOVE it!


I did not spend a huge amount of time painting the new columns, and it shows. The light from that cursed street light does not help lend a creepy feel either.

I wanted to bring back the spider over the doorway this year too, to change it up for the younger kids who haven't seen it outside. It always causes people to pause because they're afraid it will drop and scare them.

I brought back the purple fabric for the formal dining room walls for that gothic look, and moved some furniture around to better utilize the space. These pics were before the party, and also during set up of the inside of the house, so lots of things were out of place and/or messy.



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