All of the progress pictures continued for the Goliath V.2 project

October 20, 2020

Today, Goliath got some work on his legs and feet, and he got his tail beefed up.


October 21, 2020

Wednesday - I worked more on his legs. Finally started adding home made paper clay to shape his legs better and smooth him out some.



OCTOBER 22, 2020

I added more paper clay, and used scrap pieces of styrofoam to give him more shape.


Ocotber 23, 2020

Even more paper clay. I also fashioned some crude hands out of wire, styrofoam and insulation foam tubes I had left over from another project. These are not the best hands I've ever made, but they will be covered in paper and paper clay, so they will get better. (I hope) The one that is on the straight arm will not get fingers as it will be in a fist, so it doesn't need to be totally hand-shaped.

October 25, 2020

I used some Loctite spray foam to help give him more quick and easy substance. Once it developed a "skin" after a few minutes, I molded it a little to how I wanted it shaped, then when it was fully cured, I used my knife to carve it down. I papered the hands before I added the Loctite.

October 28, 2020

At this point, I am getting worried that I won't be able to finish him in time. I've been using more foam scraps to give him shape, and adding more paper clay over that.

Today, I have everything except his face, hair and wings done. He is FINALLY taking shape the way he should.

October 28, 2020

I used my heat gun to bend the PVC for the wings. Slow and steady, I heated up the PVC and held it in the position I wanted, then I ran over it with a cool wet washcloth to speed up the cooling process so I could keep going.

I screwed the PVC elbows to the base pieces sticking out of the back. These joints will remain uncovered so that I can easily remove the wings or reposition them.

October 28, 2020

I used kraft paper for the flesh of the wings. I just cut long pieces and held them over the PVC and taped them on, then cut the bottoms to the shape I wanted. I am not super happy with the shape or position of these wings. but right now I am leaving them alone because I just don't have time to start over on them.

I used my hot wire foam cutter to cut some strips of scrap styrofoam for the "bones" in the wings.

Ocotber 29, 3030

I used paper strips to hold them on. Then I papered over the fronts and edges of the wings to thicken them and hold everything together.

Ocotber 30, 2020

Only one day left, and I am stressing. I have to work tomorrow, and haven't finished setting up my cemetery display, so I can't work on him and finish him.

I built a base out of plywood and 2x4s. It's a 3 foot tall base that his build base sits right over the top of. My good friend Elizabeth came down from North Carolina, and helped me with the painting. I had to stop working on him and get a coat of paint on him so he could make it out to the display. I think we got done just before midnight. He was not easy to paint with all the uneven surface and wings.


Halloween 2020

Aaaaaannnnd this is how he looked in my display on Halloween night for Trick or Treat. He was impressive just by size alone, but very monotone and boring. He just looked like a faceless winged demon. I will most likely take the paper off the wings and reshape them. I'm looking forward to continuing work on him and getting him finished.

Stay tuned....


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