I wanted a spellbook for one of my witches to hold, so I made one.  I also remembered to take some pictures this time!


I started off by making a pentagram out of some aluminum flashing.  I just printed out one on my computer, then taped it to the flashing.  I took a screwdriver and pressed the star and the inner circle into the flashing, then cut it all out on the outer circle with the pentagram still taped onto the metal.  When I took the paper off, I took the screwdriver and went over the star to imprint it a bit deeper.
For the book itself, I started with 2 rectangles of styrofoam.  Then I just started sanding them with the palm sander until I got each side the right shape.  I had a real open book sitting close by so I could look at it for reference.   Then I glued the 2 pieces together with Gorilla Glue.  I made a spline with a scrap piece of foam that I sanded lengthwise to get a little rounded on the edges  and glued that onto the other 2 pieces.
I printed out 2 pieces of paper with what I needed the pages of the open book to say and tea stained them.  When they were dry, I glued them to the book using regular old Elmer's applied with a paintbrush.  Then I painted the edges to give it a more aged look.
Once that was dry, I glued the metal pentagram on, then I painted the rest of the outer cover, and finally,  latexed with the expired stuff over the whole thing to waterproof it.  I'm sure you can use a clear coat of poly or some other clear paint as well.
Now, I COULD have glued on some fabric to make the outside cover a bit more realistic... but honestly, I'd already given too much detail to  a book that nobody will even notice since it will be held by a witch in the dark outside.  But it was fun to make!


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