What's going on at the Dead End in 2013......


It's been a really tight year so far, and nothing Halloween has been worked on yet.  I've been working two full-time jobs since April, so I've only had time to sleep and get ready for the next work shift.  I just recently cut my hours  back so my back could heal, which should give me time to plan and execute a new prop or two, and Tom wants to help me work on stuff, so I'm excited about that.  I have an idea or two for a fun little thing to try out in my etsy store, and I'm hoping to get that rolling here as soon as I get the concept completed.   Since I keep most of my bigger props in the house or in the garage, Peter Peter Trick-or-Treater Eater has taken a slight beating from the kitties climbing all over him.  I believe his body will have to undergo some surgery as he's almost falling onto the ground now.  At this time, I've also decided to forego the party this year due to lack of funds and time, and just focus on the yard display - but who knows?  It's changed before and last minute I've decided that the show must go on, so we'll see what the next month brings.

What went on in 2012

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